Tuesday, May 8, 2012

We are getting ready to depart from Israel right now...wow, what a full week! I will blog about all the events we were involved in over these next few days upon returning home.
We've been all over the place with just enough time to eat and sleep! This means very little time to blog or get on the internet.
But I will continue sharing about our journey, our adventures as I am able. I took TONS of notes and I intend to share them all for those who are interested. We're on a mission to make sure as many people hear about Israel and Jerusalem as possible so that maybe their hearts will beat for this country also...

Thanks for your patience!

Shalome from Jerusalem one last time!

More info on events to come soon...

1 comment:

  1. Praying you have a safe trip home. Cannot wait to read your posts! Take care and Be Safe!
    until next time... nel
